
Router API: Group communication

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The original goal of PeerDeviceNet is to enable communication among a group of mobile/P2P devices. A natural choice could be multicast groups, such as Java's multicast API. However for mobile/P2P apps targeted by PeerDeviceNet, it is not ideal solution for a number of reasons including unreliable data transfers, and mostly important power consumption. The recommended practice for multicast at mobile devices is to turn on multicast temporarily for work such as service discovery and then turn it off to save power.

So PeerDeviceNet builds simple multicast groups on top of TCP connections.
The simple group communication API follows the intuitive Java MulticastSocket api and can summarized as the following four operations:

Apps using this group communication api should add the following permission in its AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="com.xconns.peerdevicenet.permission.REMOTE_MESSAGING" />

Many api methods will use the following class to describe peer devices:

class DeviceInfo {
public String name;
public String addr;
public String port;
Correspondingly, use the following keys to pack the data inside a message bundle:

Group communication is implemented as an android service running in a background process, which will cover the following features:

PeerDeviceNet provides three kinds of asynchronous API to support group communications:

  1. Intents api
Apps can send startService() intents to join / leave groups and send messages with the following action names:
Apps can receive messages and group membership change events using a broadcast receiver with filters of following action names:
Message related data are packaged as intent "extras" using the following keys:
Please check this Chat app for using intent api.
  1. IDL api
The IDL(aidl) interfaces related to group communication are defined in two files:
Apps using aidl api will bind to the following named service:

ACTION_GROUP_SERVICE = "com.xconns.peerdevicenet.GroupService"

This service will expose the following methods to join/leave groups and send messages:
IRouterGroupService {
//join a group named by "groupId"and attach callback handler "h"
    oneway void joinGroup(String groupId, in DeviceInfo[] peers, in IRouterGroupHandler h);
//leave group identified by "groupId"
    oneway void leaveGroup(String groupId, in IRouterGroupHandler h);
//send message: if "dest" is not null, it is only sent to device "dest"; otherwise it is broadcast to all peers in group
    oneway void send(String groupId, in DeviceInfo dest, in byte[] msg);
//request for all peers inside group "groupId"
    oneway void getPeerDevices(String groupId);

When joining group, apps will register handler object with methods to receive messages from group and handle group membership change events.
IRouterGroupHandler {
//receive a message from "src"
    oneway void onReceive(in DeviceInfo src, in byte[] msg);
//a new device join the group
    oneway void onPeerJoin(in DeviceInfo device);
//a device just left group
    oneway void onPeerLeave(in DeviceInfo device);
//i just finished joining a group, return with all peer devices in this group
    oneway void onSelfJoin(in DeviceInfo[] devices);
//i just finished leaving a group
    oneway void onSelfLeave();
//results of calling getPeerDevices: return all devices in this group
    oneway void onGetPeerDevices(in DeviceInfo[] devices);
//something wrong during group communication
    oneway void onError(in String errInfo);

The recommended practice of accessing GroupService aidl interface is by using RouterGroupClient which also handle some common book-keeping for you. Please check out github sample project for sample of using RouterGroupClient helper class.

Please check this Chat app for using IDL interfaces.
  1. Messenger api

Apps using Android standard messaging pattern "Messenger" will bind to the following named service:

ACTION_MESSENGER_SERVICE = "com.xconns.peerdevicenet.Messenger"

Once bound, a messenger will be returned which can be used to send Message objects with the following message ids:

public final static int JOIN_GROUP = -10400;
public final static int LEAVE_GROUP = -10401;
public final static int SEND_MSG = -10500;

When joining group, apps will register a callback messenger to receive remote messages and group membership change events with the following message ids:

public final static int RECV_MSG = -10510;
public final static int SELF_JOIN = -10410;
public final static int PEER_JOIN = -10411;
public final static int SELF_LEAVE = -10412;
public final static int PEER_LEAVE = -10413;

App message data are packaged as a bundle using the same key names as Intent api.

Please check this Chat app for using messenger api.

The complete source code project for Chat apps is available from here. The built app can be installed from Google play to try out.