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onConnected(DeviceInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify client that a peer device successfully connected to this device; either because the client accept peer connection request or peer accept the client's connection request.
onConnecting(DeviceInfo, byte[]) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify client a peer device is trying to connect to this device.
onConnectionFailed(DeviceInfo, int) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify client its attempt to connect to peer device failed.
onDisconnected(DeviceInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify client a peer device disconnected; either because the client or its peer called disconnect() api; or because network failed.
onError(String) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify clients about two kinds of errors: errors happening at server processing.
onError(String) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterGroupClient.GroupHandler
Notify clients about two kinds of errors: errors happening at server processing.
onGetActiveNetwork(NetInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Pass to clients info about the network used to connect to peer devices.
onGetConnectionInfo(String, boolean, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Reply to client connection related settings currently active at Connection Service; This is the response to getConnectionInfo() api call.
onGetDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Reply to client info about this device; This is the response to getDeviceInfo() api call.
onGetNetworks(NetInfo[]) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Pass to clients info about currently attached networks detected by ConnectionService.
onGetPeerDevices(DeviceInfo[]) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Reply to client info about peer devices connected to this device.
onGetPeerDevices(DeviceInfo[]) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterGroupClient.GroupHandler
Reply to client info of peer devices in group; this is the response to getPeerDevices() api call.
onNetworkActivated(NetInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Pass to clients info about network activated.
onNetworkConnected(NetInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify clients that ConnectionService detects a new network.
onNetworkConnecting(NetInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify clients that network connection is in process.
onNetworkConnectionFailed(NetInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify clients that network connection attempt failed.
onNetworkDisconnected(NetInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify clients that a network is disconnected.
onPeerJoin(DeviceInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterGroupClient.GroupHandler
notify client that a peer device joined the group.
onPeerLeave(DeviceInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterGroupClient.GroupHandler
notify client that a peer device has left the group.
onReceive(DeviceInfo, byte[]) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterGroupClient.GroupHandler
notify client that a message arrived from a peer device.
onSearchComplete() - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify clients current active search session completes, either because clients called stopSearch() or search session timeout.
onSearchFoundDevice(DeviceInfo, boolean) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify clients in a search session a device is found.
onSearchStart(DeviceInfo) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify client a search session started; It is the response to startSearch() api call.
onSelfJoin(DeviceInfo[]) - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterGroupClient.GroupHandler
notify clients that it has joined the group successfully; and returning the info of peer devices in this group.
onSelfLeave() - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterGroupClient.GroupHandler
notify client that it finished leaving the group.
onSetConnectionInfo() - Method in interface com.xconns.peerdevicenet.RouterConnectionClient.ConnectionHandler
Notify client its call to setConnectionInfo() api call succeed and connection related settings (device name, use SSL, connection timeout, etc.) have been updated successfully at Connection Service.
Other - Static variable in class com.xconns.peerdevicenet.NetInfo
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